20. august 2011.a. Rahvusvaheline vanavaralaat, Valgas

Valga Militaarajaloo Festivali raames korraldatav
20. augustil 2011 kell 08.00- 15.00
Valgas Pikk tn 16a.
- Toimub padrunikollektsionääride kokkutulek!
- Laadal mängib ansambel
- Muuseumi külastamise võimalus
Pilet täiskasvanutele 1.50 EUR, õpilastele (kuni 12. klass) 1.00 EUR.
Täiendav informatsioon ning registreerimine: Meelis Kivi 5121044, meelisele@hot.ee või Valdeko Nielson 56615131, valga@isamaalinemuuseum.ee
Täiendav informatsioon padrunikollektsionääride kokkutuleku kohta:
Rain Kuus   5281666 või rain.kuus@gmail.com


В рамках Bоенно-исторического фестиваля г.Валга  проводится
20 августа 2011 г. с 08.00 до 15.00
по адресу: Валга, ул. Пикк 16а.
- Проводится встреча коллекционеров патронов!
- Посетителей будет развлекать ансамбль
- Можно посетить музей
Билет: взрослый 1.50 EUR, ученический (до 12 класса) 1.00 EUR.
Дополнительная информация и регистрация: Меэлис Киви 5121044, meelisele@hot.ee или
Валдеко Ниельсон 56615131, valga@isamaalinemuuseum.ee
Встреча коллекционеров патронов - дополнительная информация и регистрация Райн Куус 5281666 или rain.kuus@gmail.com


Valgas Militārās vēstures festivāla
ietvaros rīkotais
2011. gada 20. augustā, plkst. 8.00- 15.00
Valgā (Igaunija) Pikk ielā 16a.
- Notiks patronu kolekcionāru sanākšana!
- Gadatirgū spēlēs ansamblis
- Iespēja apmeklēt muzeju
Ieejas biļete pieaugušajiem 1,50 EUR, skolēniem (līdz 12. klasei) 1,00 EUR
Papildus informācija un reģistrēšanās: Meelis Kivi +372 5121044, meelisele@hot.ee vai Valdeko Nielson +372 56615131, valga@isamaalinemuuseum.ee
Patronu kolekcionāru sanākšana- papildus informācija un reģistrēšanās Rain Kuus 5281666 vai rain.kuus@gmail.com


International Military History Festival in Valga

August 19-20, 2011

Friday, August 19

·         10:00 – 21:00 Viking Camp in Pedeli Recreation Area

(by Pikk Street). Workshops, ancient fights with soft swords, Viking ship. Voyage on Viking ship - € 2. Children and students (up to form 12) € 1.

·         15:00 – 18:00 Opening ceremony of the Military History Festival and thematic activities at Valga Sports Hall (36 Kuperjanovi Street).

·         15:00 – 15:15 Opening ceremony of the Military History Festival.

15:15 – 18:00 Expositions and presentations by the Estonian Defence League (Kaitseliit), Police and Border Guard Board, Rescue Service, Tax and Customs Board, Valgamaa Society of the Estonian Red Cross, Vintage Vehicle Club of the Defence League and Recruitment Centre of the Estonian Defence Forces.

Performances by the orchestras of the Defence Forces and Police and Border Guard Board.

·         17:30             Battle performance of the Great Northern War.
An episode of the Great Northern War with a true to nature battle performance: men in historical uniforms with weaponry of those days

    • 18:30 – 19:00 Performance by the Police and Border Guard Board – rescue performance on the Pedeli River (Pedeli Recreation Area by Pikk Street).

    • 19:30 – 21:00 Entertainment programme on the territory of Valga Patriotic Education Permanent Exposition Museum at 16a Pikk Street.

        • Folk dance group Rukkilill (Cornflower)

        • Mixed voices’ choir Rõõm (Joy)

        • Concert by the Lindpriid (Outlaws)        
          Entry for € 6, children and students (up to form 12) € 3.

Saturday, August 20

    • 8:00 – 15:00 International antiquity fair and other events on the territory of Valga Patriotic Education Permanent Exposition Museum (16a Pikk Street)  
      Entry for € 1.50, children and students (up to form 12) € 1.

        • Convention of collectors of military cartridges

        • The permanent exposition is open

    • 9:25 Address by the Mayor on the Day of Restoration of Independence

    • 9:30 – 13:15            Entertainment programme

        • Brass orchestra Piirilinna Bigband (Bigband of Border Town)

        • Kungla musical theatre company

·         Rock group Remaining Bullet

·         10:00 – 24:00 Viking Camp in Pedeli Recreation Area (by Pikk Street).

Workshops etc, battle of Viking ships and party in the Viking Camp.
Voyage on Viking ship - € 2. Children and students (up to form 12) € 1.

    • 14:00 – 15:30 Military parade in Valga: Peetri Street – Pikk Street – Jaama Boulevard – Vabaduse Street
      Warriors in historical uniforms and weaponry with military equipment through ages

    • 17:00 – 19:00 Entertainment programme and thematic activities nearby 1 Transpordi Street

        • NGO Valga Koerteklubi (Valga Kennel Club) show performance

        • Brass orchestra Piirilinna Bigband (Bigband of Border Town)

    • 18:00 – 19:00 Battle performance Estonia 1944
      True to nature military episodes of battles back in 1944. Members of military history clubs of 12 countries take part in the performance.

    • 19:00 Closing Ceremony of the Military History Festival

Thematic Exhibitions

    • 01.07- 31.08.2011 Items of military technology models of WWII in Valga Museum (Vabaduse Street 8).
      Wed – Fri 11:00 – 18:00, Sat 10:00 – 15:00
      15.08- 20.08. 2011            
      Exposition on the history of the Kaitseliit (Defence League) on the territory of Valga Patriotic Education Permanent Exposition Museum (16a Pikk Street)
      Mon – Fri 8:00 – 16:00, Sat 8:00 – 15:00

Viking Camp Programme of the International Military History Festival

Friday, August 19, 2011

    • 10:00 Training of ancient fights with wooden sticks. Preparing of ancient meals

    • 11:00 Ancient Estonian Runo song workshop

    • 12:00 Stories on the Viking era with ancient warriors' show performances.
      It will be possible to touch the armament, get dressed in the clothes and even try to fight fully equipped.

    • 13:00 Braiding workshop – 6 participants
      One needle technique knitting workshop – 6 participants

·         13:30 Ancient fights with soft swords – battle games

Ancient Estonian Runo song workshop

·         15:00 Competition games in Viking style

    • 16:00 Braiding workshop – 6 participants          
      One needle technique knitting workshop – 6 participants

    • 17:00 Preparing ancient meals     
      Ancient Estonian Runo song workshop

·         18:00 Stories on the Viking era with ancient warriors' show performances. Massive battles of ancient warriors

It will be possible to touch the armament, get dressed in the clothes and even try to fight fully equipped.

    • 19:00 Ancient fights with soft swords – battle games

Saturday, August 20, 2011

·         10:00 Training of ancient fights with wooden sticks

Preparing ancient meals

·         11:00 Ancient Estonian Runo song workshop

    • 12:00 Sword tournament of Viking warriors

·         14:00 Braiding workshop – 6 participants          
One needle technique knitting workshop – 6 participants

14:30 Ancient fights with soft swords – battle games   
Ancient Estonian Runo song workshop

·         16:00 Competition games in Viking style

Braiding workshop – 6 participants.
One needle technique knitting workshop – 6 participants

·         17:00 Preparing ancient meals

Ancient Estonian Runo song workshop

·         18:00 Stories on the Viking era with ancient warriors' show performances. Massive battles of ancient warriors.

It will be possible to touch the armament, get dressed in the clothes and even try to fight fully equipped.

·         19:00 Ancient fights with soft swords – battle games

    • 21:00 Battle of Viking ships and party in the Viking Camp – the Vikings attack the boat and take over the girls who were imprisoned there. When the Vikings reach the shore, a real party will be launched around the fire place in the ancient style with bagpipes and Runo song, casting fire and dancing into the midnight.

Furthermore, the Viking Camp is full of lust and life. Everybody is welcome to have a look, ask questions, touch the weaponry and take part in the ancient everyday life of the Vikings.

